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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Poor show

With all due respect to the ICC, what a bunch of dickheads they are. It's a disgrace that ANYONE is even CONTEMPLATING playing sport in Zimbabwe under its present regime, let alone forcing our young cricketers to play there as though nothing is happening. The ICC has been holding a broken gin bottle to Martin Sneddon's throat during this whole business, and the repercussions for not touring really did seem like they'd set the game back several years in NZ through no fault of our own.

And the players are stuck in the middle. Would YOU want to go to Zimbabwe right now? As a high profile sportsman who may be a target for nutters, or tacitly approving of Mugabe by your presence there? No bloody thanks. In that environment, even a Josh - style personal protest could be dangerous for you and your team mates.

Good on Helen Clark and the NZ Government for getting involved - but the ICC's policies have made it almost impossible to take action short of putting the players on house arrest. The ICC should be less concerned with getting their photos taken with Warney and Punter at Lords, and more concerned with joining the 21st century. Heads out of the sand, chaps. Good show.

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